We got into Zagreb, Croatia's capitol, around rush hour. Despite the crowded conditions, we were able to locate a Rough Guide recommended hotel for the evening fairly quickly. After some parking instructions, we were able to secure a room normally meant for three. The Rough Guide says make your reservations early. as this place is a favorite. No doubt the big bonuses are its sophisticated beauty and high speed internet connection. It didn't hurt that we had a big flat screen TV in the room either. The return to technology was making cheese quite happy and I finally found out my beloved Buckeyes had beaten Texas.
I think Cheese was happy to be back in the familiar surroundings of an older Europeon city, with public transportation and coffee shops every twenty feet. I think this picture gives the best feeling of the place, more so than any I took. We hiked around quite a bit and finally found a bar recommended by the Rough Guide and had several local brews. If we'd been on top of our game, we probably would have asked a couple of the local ladies who seemed curious to join us, but alas we just enjoyed the beer. Also, we were in a german car, and the locals seemed to enjoy a more traditional type of vehicle:
(Having spent several hours driving, riding on, or trailing behind a tractor, I'm allowed to make that joke. And make no mistake, chicks dig farm equipment!)
Sadly we didn't have time to stick around the following morning to check out much of the town's historical site, or learn much about what actually happened there damage-wise during the war. There did seem to be a number of buildings that had some external damage of some source.
Back to Vienna...
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