We left the beauty of the Pula and sadly headed back towards responsibility, albeit a day later than we told Cheese's boss. This was some incredibly green and unspoiled country, made even more striking by the clear sunny sky. This is one of the things I live for, The Drive: good tunes, good company and the world laid out in splendor just for you to drive by and appreciate and no place to be in a hurry.
If you look at the map of the Croatian province we were in (Pazin) you can see a big river that cuts into the country side around Rasa. Along this river was set a huge power plant:
It did remind me a little of the Kyger Creek or the Simpsons-like Gavin plants I grew up around, but not enough to bother me. Where the river met up with the sea, there were some stunning views. There was also a little circular restaurant on property that would be worth millions in the states. Being the only place for miles, they really gauged the customers. I mean it cost cheese and I nearly $10 to have some beer & pizza (olive included) and gaze out upon this:
If you look close you can see a sailboat in there. Go enjoy this before some developer gets his grubby hands on it.
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