Monday, June 18, 2007

Camera one, closes in, the con-fer-ence begins…

Today the fun started. I managed to run into AnOs near the convention center. We went and had lunch at the Queen Mother CafĂ©. Now your Mars receives the vast majority of his pleasure aurally (read it again friend) and has never been one to near orgasm over culinary delights, but the food at the Queen Mother’s was exceptional. I had the Khao Soy Gai and let me tell you, I will never have it again, because you don’t’ mess with perfection. YUM! Served with a pint of Strongbow Cider, your Mars was indeed pleased. AnOs had The Beafeeter and was quite satisfied as well. We got served well again at the reception to the conference later: yummy potatoes with real putin gravy along with fresh served roast beef and turkey. Also, with free beer flowing we said 'ok, just one more' at least three times. Your Mars managed to snag the last Keith's Pale Ale before it was boxed away. Thank god for all that Beerfest training.

The opening speeches at the conference were what you would expect: we need to work together as pandemic influenza is a global problem, we need better communication, we need better coordination etc. etc. I did like the Canadian Public Health guy, he manged to quote Pasteur, Benjamin Disreali and George Bernard Shaw in his introduction. The fact that he spoke French isn't so impressive since he's Canadian :)

Oh, turns out that little ‘band’ thing that was going on at King’s St. West. That was the Much Music Awards. AnOs and I watched little Avril Lavign at an Irish pub dancing around mere meters away from where we had walked earlier. Canadians are so cute, but someone needs to tell them that no matter what, playing the fiddle just does not grant rock god status or merit the moves.

Tomorrow the real fun begins!

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