Monday, September 03, 2007


In case you missed it, the School Up North pulled a boner of epic proportions in the college football world yesterday.

Simple unbelievable. Good thing Chad Henne (NSFW), Mike Hart and a couple of others came back to win the national championship.

I know, I know, college football on a travel blog, but I did listen to the Buckeye's take care of bidness with Youngstown State via the bunch of tubes sometimes called the interwebs. And this is just monumental, not just for TSUN but for the entire Big10. But it's Michigan losing to the University that brought us "Hot Hot Hot". It's too hard not to laugh.

This would be my reaction as well. Priceless.

Hey Jackass, consider this: Mike can never make fun of a team from North Carolina again.

Go Bucks!

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